The Association was formed by registration for the Tatra Heritage of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, January 14, 2011, while allocating an identification number 22907823. The statutes of the Association shall be conducted under administrative number VS/1-1/82759/11-R.
Based on explicit consent, the Association of Tatra Heritage shall be entitled to use the trade mark of the manufacturer. The appearance of the web presentation and other materials correspond to the principles of a new uniform appearance, which the Association has committed to.

Tatra Trucks a.s.
A leading manufacturer of heavy trucks builds on the unique concept of central carrier pipe with swing semi-axles and more than one hundred and fifty years of experience in the production of means of transport, due to those has reached worldwide fame. The company opens a new chapter of its existence by the series of TATRA PHOENIX cutting-edge model trucks to heavy terrain.

Tatra Vintage
The professional workshop and the spare parts supplier for the passenger cars Tatra form the other part of the project that is devoted to the famous trade mark from Kopřivnice. Together with carrying out the renovations and selling the spare parts, it offers the regular service, the variety of repairs, the professional consultation, counselling, the assistance services and many further not only for car owners.

The Regional Museum in Kopřivnice, Civil Association
Administrator of the original Kopřivnice road historical heritage, later known as Tatra automaker. The museum exposition is visited by people from all over the world every year, to go back in time and watch the fascinating story of the vehicles of Kopřivnice. Together with the operation of the expositions, the museum offers expert consultations, the certification of origin for a vehicle, retrieval of archived materials and many other services.

The Sport Car Museum in Lány
The exposition of the private middle-czech museum has the rare show of the sport and racing cars from European and overseas manufacturing. The trade Tatra from Kopřivnice has its stabile place there, it is represented by the unique sport car Tatra MTX V8, the racing special Eccora V8 Sport and by the replicas of cars Tatra T603 B5 and Tatra T602 Tatraplan sport.

The Muzeum TGM in Rakovník
The middle-Czech museum moves us closer to the personality of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš Gariggue Masaryk together with the first-republic period of the independent Czechoslovak state in its exposition in Lány. The other stable expositions are dedicated to the important personalities and the notable history of this attractive touristic region.

The Technical Museum in Brno
In its main building and many historic sights in the South Moravian Region The Technical Museum in Brno presents iron industry, the beauty of steam engines and aircraft engines, passenger cars, public transport, military border fortifications and more. The Technical Museum's extensive collections and regular exhibitions will satisfy every visitor.

Tatra Register Deutschland
German club owners and fans of vehicle manufacturer from Kopřivnice with an active membership base regularly organizes and often attends interesting events, several times a year club publishes a magazine, carefully documents the events on the domestic and international scene and is constantly expanding public awareness of the brand Tatra.

Tatra Freunde International
Austrian organization with a large base of members over the course of several decades of his diverse activity acquired owners of many unique vehicles, documented a significant part of the brand's history and prepared a series of meetings with international participation, for which the law of one of the most active long-term in Europe.

Tatra Register Schweiz
Swiss Association of owners and fans of Czechoslovak vehicles, represented mainly Tatra brand since its inception finds and collects archival material, is annually organized numerous international meetings and continuously supports cooperation between all European organizations, owners and enthusiasts.
A unique documentary project focused on the Tatra 613 model range. A number of detailed materials, original photos and most importantly relevant information offer a chance to witness the story of the last automobile from the Kopřivnice brand from the first designs to the end of production.

The Town of Kopřivnice
Today, the town located in the picturesque North Bohemian landscape has many faces. The town is the place of origin and at the same time the home of the Tatra automaker, the centre of the tourist region of Lašská brána of Beskydy, headquarters of medium-sized engineering enterprises, partner of a number of European cities and, in particular, a pleasant place for life, culture, rest and sport.

Moravskoslezská, Ltd.
In whole European region, the traditional automobile partner offers comprehensive facilities for dealing with accidents and disorders, starting with assistence service, professional towage, through high-quality service and related administration to lease a replacement vehicle. The pair of Tatra 815 special wreckers occupy a unique place in the vehicle fleet of the company.

Navy MAX, s.r.o.
The proved provider in the area of the health and safety at work, the fire protection, the quality system and the waste management with the nationwide scope of activity ensures the documentation processing, the professional consultations, participates at the controls of the state authorities, deals with the institutions, performs the revisions and the periodical trainings.

Jan Hrubý photography
The studio of our exclusive photographer offers photography of portraits, products, social events and reports. At the same time, it offers professional preparation and processing of the photographic material. Many clients appreciate the great interest for innovative approach, creative deployment and responsive treatment, open to customer wishes.